Friday, October 30, 2009

Born Again

It was an epiphany. After three and a half decades of seeking the answer, it suddenly became known. I admit that I had been leaning heavily in that direction for a long time, virtually convinced and yet, could never proclaim it with absolute assurance. After that day I could. I don't remember what stimulus triggered the revelation that day, I only remember that one minute, like the millions of minutes that went before, I didn't know the answer and the next minute I did. I KNEW at that moment to my complete satisfaction, that there is no God; no Christian God, no Buddhist God, no Hindu God, no Greek or Roman God(s), no heaven, no hell, no absolute moral authority, no supernatural giver of reward and punishment, no spirits, no ghosts, no reincarnation, no Karma, no life after death.
Did my life change from that moment forward? Not in any obvious ways at first. There were no profound changes in my daily routine, or how I interacted with the rest of the world. I didn't shout it from the rooftops, figuratively speaking, like so many evangelicals do when struck by the opposite answer. But after so many years of searching for the answer, from that moment on, I've been able to live my life according to how I truly believe the way things are. And that is precisely why this quest began so many years ago...


  1. I too had this "epiphany", if you will. I wrote about it in my deconversion post in the Coming Out Atheist group at Everything made sense for the first time in my life, in such a way I'll probably never experience it again. There is a youtube video by philhellenes that explains this feeling so beautifully and accurately. Let me find it....

    Definitely worth your time. Phil Hellenes is an excellent YouTube atheist video maker.

    Awesome post! Hope to see more!


  2. Thanks Kim...I've been wanting to write about "Jesus" for some time now...this weekend it will be done...I will check out that video you posted...thanks
